Study with experts

With plenty of room for personal initiative and responsibility, we offer you the perfect basis for individual development and getting the most out of your studies.

Your dual study program at IPD

Are classical studies too boring for you? With a dual study program, you not only learn all kinds of theoretical skills, but can also apply them directly in practice. During this time, both your lecturers and we will support you in order to train you in the best possible way and prepare you for the working world. You are actively involved in projects right from the start and can get fully involved from day 1. And now that you have your bachelor's degree in your pocket, we would of course be delighted if you would like to continue your journey with us.

That's what you can expect from us
Exciting customer projects
Experienced teams of experts
Innovative solution offerings
Responsibility from day 1
Active participation
Creative freedom
Continuing education opportunities
Flat hierarchies
We are a top employer!

Find out what makes IP Dynamics so special for our colleagues.

Go to reviews
That's how much you earn with us
1st year of training
2nd year of training
3rd year of training
4th year of training
Der Bewerbungsprozess

Schick uns deine Bewerbung

Bewirb dich einfach über unser Stellenportal mit Anschreiben, Lebenslauf sowie Zeugnissen und Zertifikaten.

Wir sichten deine Unterlagen

Wir prüfen deine Bewerbung und geben dir schnellstmöglich eine Rückmeldung.

Lerne uns kennen

Hat uns deine Bewerbung überzeugt, laden wir dich zu einem ersten Gespräch mit unserer HR-Abteilung ein.

Lerne noch mehr von uns kennen

In einem zweiten Gespräch hast du die Möglichkeit, mit deinem potenziell zukünftigen Ausbilder ins Gespräch zu kommen.

Zeig‘ uns, was du draufhast

Im Assessment Center prüfen wir anschließend deine praktischen Fähigkeiten. Hier kannst du noch einmal beweisen, dass du der Richtige für den Job bist.

Jetzt fehlt nur noch die Unterschrift

Wenn alles passt und du dich wohl mit uns fühlst, schicken wir dir deinen Ausbildungsvertrag zu.

Finde die passende Fachhochschule

Bewirb dich anschließend bei einer mit uns kooperierenden Fachhochschule, um mit dem dualen Studium voll durchzustarten.

Herzlich Willkommen im Team!
What our students say
Foto von Marwin. Lächelt in die Kamera.
“The general dynamism and family working environment are lived here. ”

As a dual student for a Bachelor of Science in the “IT Management, Consulting & Auditing” program, I deal with an exciting, broad range of topics in business and IT. My practical phases in the company are also varied and dynamic.

Whether it's customer-specific solution design in presales or delivery note processing and warehouse management in purchasing, I deal with new topics and job profiles in almost every department or combine my theoretical knowledge from university with practical work in the company.

The variety of tasks and the friendly cooperation in different departments confirm my initial impression of IP Dynamics as a friendly employer. The general dynamism and family working environment are lived here.


Student IT Management, Consulting & Auditing

What motivates our applicants

All applications are submitted via our online portal.

For a meaningful application, we need a cover letter including a curriculum vitae and certificates.

We do not have an official deadline for applications. As long as the job posting can be found online, we accept applications.

Antonia Mailänder

+49 40 5727 6772

Apply now!

Become a dual student and shape the future with us.