Unleash your organization's full potential

Increase your efficiency, relieve your employees and inspire your customers with your service excellence!

Productivity increase of up to 30%

Through skill-based routing, all tasks are handled directly by qualified employees. This provides your customers with lightning-fast solutions and competent service.

Significant improvement of your customer service

Each request is handled by an individual account manager in order to increase efficiency and maintain an overview at all times.

Timely processing of requests

With the help of intelligent routing, you always ensure that all requests are processed on time and thus guarantee highest customer satisfaction.

Increase in employee satisfaction

Take the pressure off your employees by distributing work fairly and increase motivation within the company.

Mehr Effizienz im Unternehmen

Heterogeneous system landscapes and isolated processes in companies often lead to complex and inefficient processing of tasks and requests. Although different systems cover different aspects of the company and are therefore indispensable, they lose a great deal of efficiency due to their largely autonomous behavior. This is precisely where Dynamic Workload comes in. The enterprise product suite centralizes all areas in the company and establishes a single company-wide worklist in which all tasks are stored centrally. This results in all kinds of benefits for companies and employees.

Here's how it works:

Qualification and distribution in real time

Dynamic Workload evaluates each incoming task in real time and distributes it at the right time to an employee who has the appropriate skills and is available.

Dynamic re-prioritization

If further requests are received, these are weighted against the other tasks in the taskstock and prioritised accordingly. As soon as a suitable employee is available, the task is assigned to them. The taskstock can contain any number of tasks that can be distributed simultaneously - Dynamic Workload specialises in quantity.

Efficient process handling

If possible, each employee is only given one task to work on at a time. In addition, customer concerns can be bundled according to different criteria. As a rule, each employee can complete one task at a time in this way. So no task is left lying around!

All benefits at a glance

The entire taskstock in one system
All channels via one system - no silos
Fully automated SLA routing across all channels - in real time
Fair capacity utilisation of employees
Real-time monitoring with direct control
Seamless reporting across all channels
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Microsoft Dynamics Logo
SAP Logo
Binden Sie Dynamic Workload nahtlos an Ihre bestehende Infrastruktur an.

Telefonie, Video, Chat – verwandeln Sie Microsoft Teams mit Dynamic Workload in Ihr Service Center der Extraklasse!

Dynamic Workload lässt sich in unserer Cloud oder unseren deutschen Rechenzentren zu 100% DSGVO-konform betreiben. Zusammen mit hohen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen sorgen wir so für den bestmöglichen Schutz Ihrer Daten.

Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung zertifiziert offiziell die Einzigartigkeit und Innovation unserer Softwarelösung Dynamic Workload und stellt Fördermittel für die Weiterentwicklung unseres neuartigen Lösungsansatzes bereit.

Ready to optimize your business?

Would you like to use our solutions in your company? Just contact us. We are looking forward to seeing you!

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